Are You a New York Flooring Installer Who Has Been Involved in an Accident?

You may be entitled to compensation if you are a flooring installer who has been injured at work. At Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP, we are experienced NY on the job injury attorneys who are able to represent you in your claim for compensation. Call us today at (212) 986-7353 to get your claim started.

Construction workers are no stranger to dangerous hazards and injury vulnerability. Every day, thousands of workers arrive at their workplace on a construction site and many find themselves injured. Whether it’s exposure to noxious chemicals, hazardous objects, or improper training, there is the potential for many construction workers to become seriously injured. Flooring installers in New York are not immune to this accident-proneness.

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Injuries That Can Be Sustained from a Floor Installing Accident

Flooring installers can sustain serious and far-reaching injuries from accidents on construction sites. Some of the most common flooring installation job injuries include:

  1. Toxic chemical exposure
    Laminate flooring materials, glues, resins, and finishes are known to contain certain chemicals that are toxic to humans. Exposure to these chemicals can cause cancer, asthma, kidney damage, and other serious injuries.
  2. Shoulder and back injuries
    Back and shoulder injuries can be caused by many factors including accidents, heavy lifting, repetitive motion, and inactivity.
  3. Knee injuries
    Knee injuries are common within the flooring industry as installers can often be found hunched over or kneeling while doing their job.
  4. Hands and hardware
    Inadequate training and improper use of installing tools can lead to abrasions, punctures, fractures, and other serious injuries.

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Workers’ Compensation Laws

If you are a flooring installer in New York, you are most likely protected by a set of workers’ compensation laws. New York employers are required to provide workers’ compensation coverage to their employees. Most employees have the right to workers’ compensation insurance aside from independent contractors, non-profit volunteers, employees covered under another compensation system, and licensed rabbis, priests, and ministers.

The state of New York operates under a no-fault scheme, meaning that even if the employee is at fault, they will still receive compensation. For example, if you are wearing inadequate personal protective equipment and get hit on the head by falling debris, you will still be covered.

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What Compensation Am I Entitled To?

There are three categories of expenses that workers’ compensation insurance is able to cover for flooring installers in New York:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Death compensation for families

Although employers are legally required to provide workers’ compensation insurance, legal complications can emerge when an employee attempts to collect these damages. For example, the employer may be found to have been operating unsafe working conditions and is, therefore, found to be exempt from the compensation scheme.

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What Should I Do After a Floor Installation Accident?

If you are a flooring installer who has been injured at work, it is crucial that you first seek medical attention. Injuries that are seemingly minor can result in potential long-term injury or disease. If you are assessed and treated immediately, you mitigate your risk in developing serious long-term health conditions.

After seeking medical attention, you should get in contact with a New York workers’ compensation attorney. Liability can fall upon multiple parties in the case of injury whether that be a negligent employer or third-party manufacturer. Regardless, it is your right to be covered. If you file a workers’ compensation claim and collect benefits, you give up your right to sue your employer. If you are still wanting to file a lawsuit or believe a third party could be at fault, you need to speak with a lawyer about your possible options.

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Get in Contact with Our New York Flooring Installer Injury Lawyers Today

Establishing your right to compensation can seem like a complicated process, so look no further. At Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro, Moses & Halperin, LLP, our personal injury team is here and ready to help you establish your options for a compensation claim. Call us at (212) 986-7353 today to get started on your claim.

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